The advisor of choice when communication matters

Top news
Fogel & Partners again ranked as #1 Nordic M&A Communications advisor by deal value in Mergermarket’s yearly league tables 2023

We advise both public and private companies in complex situations
Based on extensive practical experience and a genuine business understanding, our team advises senior executives on how to navigate complex environments where change is the only constant. With the most pressing issues our clients may face in mind, we provide support within four areas of expertise.
Transactions & special situations IR & capital market communication Corporate reputation Sustainability & ESG advisory Strategic change communication

Our way of working
With the clients’ needs in focus and a holistic view on communication, we are committed to being a trusted partner, providing a safe pair of hands throughout the process. To this end, we offer strategic yet hands-on advisory, genuine business understanding, accessibility and attentiveness, and global reach through our partnership. Our approach